陆表环境与管理 Research Group of Environmental Management


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2024-01-29 | 编辑:王泽昊

2023年度,环境管理研究团队在中国科学院国际合作局对外合作重点项目的资助下针对中巴经济走廊及周边区域绿色发展的资源基础和关键基础设施条件变化特征开展了研究。主要进展包括:1. 基于VORS (Vigor-Organization-Resilience-Services) 模型的巴基斯坦生态系统健康土地利用变化的响应。2. 解析了巴基斯坦典型区可持续农业的风险管理及驱动因素,促进了绿色可持续农业生产模式的发展。3. 开展了巴基斯坦智能型畜牧业实践研究,提炼了南亚地区的可持续农业气候适应策略




Zhao H, Deng X*. Spatiotemporal variation in ecosystem health caused by land use and land cover change in Pakistan[J]. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 2024. 

Wang, Y., Peng, L., Yang, L.E., Wang, Z., Deng, X., 2024. Attributing effects of classified infrastructure management on mitigating urban flood risks: A case study in Beijing, China. Sustainable Cities and Society 101, 105141. 

Peng, L., Wang, Y., Yang, L., Garchagen, M., Deng, X., 2024. A comparative analysis on flood risk assessment and management performances between Beijing and Munich. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 104, 107319. 

Wang, Z., Li, Z., Wang, Y., Zheng, X., Deng, X., 2024. Building green infrastructure for mitigating urban flood risk in Beijing, China. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 93, 128218. 

Wenxuan Wang; Xiangzheng Deng; Yifei Wang; Changes in Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Livestock Production, Meat Consumption and Trade in China, Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2023,42281-291.

Su K, Wang R, Han Z, et al. Examining the path of urban–rural industry convergence and its impacts on farmers’ income growth: evidence from Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China[J]. Annals of Operations Research, 2023: 1-27.

陆表环境与管理 Research Group of Environmental Management

